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The temperatures have dropped, we’re wrapping up warm, and some of us have already started to turn the heating on at home. It’s also time to tend to your outdoor space to prepare for winter. Our team at Tong are happy to help and have put together a quick guide!

You can’t beat planted containers for adding colour to your garden throughout the winter months. Violas, pansies and winter heathers add colour but there’s plenty more to choose from.

Tidy the garden by cutting back the faded foliage from herbaceous perennials to smarten up your borders and prevent rotting over winter. You can also prune many deciduous trees by removing any diseased, thin or spindly growth or any crossing branches.

Don’t let frosts take you by surprise – prepare your garden and plants for winter. Use fleece to protect less hardy plants and turn off the water and drain irrigation pipes and hoses before really cold weather arrives.

Enrich your soil by digging organic matter such as farmyard manure into your soil will improve its structure, increase micro-organisms, improve fertility and help drainage

Add structure to your garden as this time of year is perfect for erecting fences, trellis, pergolas, arches and other garden structures.

It’s the right time to plant hedging and bare-rooted deciduous trees. You’ll need to prepare the ground by incorporating well-rotted farmyard manure and had bone meal when planting. Space according to their variety and size of plant.

Feed our feathered friends as garden birds need our help throughout winter so make sure you put out food and water every day.

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