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It’s time to head outdoors as we help you to prepare your garden for the colder months ahead. Here are our five top tips to help you get a head start on winter!

Secateurs at the ready

Pruning your shrubs and trees now will help them come back stronger next year and hopefully avoid losing shape when the winter gales and heavy frosts set in. It will also allow you to remove any damage or disease before it spreads to the rest of your garden so get trimming now!

Picturesque paths

For a pristine path, Phil recommends Algon Organic Path, Patio & Decking cleaner which will help restore virtually any surface back to its best and it’s so easy to use. There’s no scrubbing or scraping, simply apply and let it do the rest.

Love your lawn

Our lawns have suffered in the summer heat but our grass will recover! Now is the time to nourish with a high potash feed, followed by over-seeding to ensure lush, new growth in spring. We recommends top dressing your lawn too as this will help improve the quality of your soil, ensuring your grass springs back to life.

Protection for wildlife

Offer refuge for garden birds through the winter months by providing a healthy supply of food and water. Feed our feathery friends with a high energy diet including soft crumb mix and suet balls over the coming months and reap the rewards with a wildlife haven in your garden.

Tidy your borders

Autumn provides an ideal opportunity to give your borders a good tidy. Joe wants you to remember to dig up annuals, remove weeds and plant autumn bedding such as Pansies and Wallflowers. It always helps to spread compost or well-rotted manure over the soil to insulate plant roots.

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