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Autumn in the garden

As the seasons change, so will your garden!

Add structure & shape

With the soil still warm, now is the best time to create structure by planting your hardy evergreen shrubs such as Azaleas and Hebes. Dave, our plant supervisor, recommends planting now as this will allow the roots to establish over winter and ensure strong, healthy new growth in spring.

Plant spring bulbs

Plant your spring bulbs now and let them work their magic over the winter months so you can enjoy an abundance of beautiful flowers in the spring! Check out the brand new varieties among our superb selection here at Tong and get planting!

Inject instant colour

Brighten up your garden with beautiful bursts of autumnal colour from our seasonal selection of bedding plants. Pansies, Violas and Cyclamen will help bring your garden to life with that much needed splash of instant colour.


Clumps of daisy-like flowers, we often see them on gardening shows celebrated for their autumn colour. ‘Goldsturm’ will give you glorious golden colour all autumn.


Clumps of daisy-like flowers, we often see them on gardening shows celebrated for their autumn colour. ‘Goldsturm’ will give you glorious golden colour all autumn.


Providing great late summer and autumn colour, sedums will grow in almost any garden and like to be planted in full sun. They’re practically maintenance free and will attract the bees and butterflies.


We love them for their spectacular foliage in glorious autumn tones, they’re compact plants so they are brilliant in rockeries and borders or even containers on your patio.


As almost all varieties are evergreen, their attractive and often variegated leaves mean hebes look great all year, and they have a long flowering season.


This is the season to plant! The soil is still warm, so plants will take and roots will establish over Winter, giving you strong, healthy growth when Spring arrives!

Plant Autumn bedding such as pansies, violas, polyanthus, primroses and mini cyclamen can all be planted now to brighten beds, borders and containers.

For selected trees, roses and shrubs this is a good month for pruning time. Some can be damaged though if pruned prematurely so we strongly advise checking with a member of our team if you are unsure.

Keep your lawn in order as after a summer of wear and tear, your lawn will need a little love to see it through the winter months. Don’t be tempted to use the feed you used in spring as autumn lawncare is all about strengthening the roots, and toughening up the grass rather than vigorous growth. It’s also a good time to over seed your lawn.

September is a great time to get on top of perennial weeds to keep your garden weed-free during Autumn and Winter. Talk to Tong’s experts about the best product to beat the weeds in your garden, or consider laying weed control fabric before planting and then cover with a mulch of bark chippings.

Plant Spring flowering bulbs now because they will work their magic over winter to bring you a welcome burst of colour in spring. Buy firm, blemish-free bulbs and plant at the correct depth using compost and bulb fibre – we recommend a height of about two to three times the bulb height but always check the instructions on packaging before planting. Click below to see our team’s firm favourites.


Structural Shrubs

With the soil still warm, add shape and structure to your garden with hardy shrubs such as Aucuba and Hebes – and also provide welcome shelter for wildlife! Planting now gives their roots time to establish over the colder months and ensures strong, healthy new growth in spring!

Beautiful Bedding

Keep your garden filled with colour by adding easy-to-plant bedding. Choose from our fantastic selection in store, where we have all your autumnal favourites such as Pansies, Primulas, Violas and Cyclamen.

Autumn Alpines

Alpines are beautiful, low maintenance plants that will grow almost anywhere. Our favourites include Saxifrage and Dianthus which will rejuvenate your rockeries and add interest to parts of the garden that, in autumn, would otherwise look rather dull!


1. Choose a large container or pot and make sure there is at least one hole in the bottom for drainage. Phil recommends lining the base with clay pebbles to help with drainage.

2.Add a layer of bulb fibre to the bottom of your container or pot.

3. Place your late flowering bulbs at the bottom and cover with 5cm or so of bulb fibre. Repeat this process with your mid and early flowering bulbs until you have planted three layers of bulbs.

4. Once you have covered the last layer, give your container a good water. 

5. Finish with autumn bedding such as Pansies or Violas to give you colour throughout autumn and winter.


… to nourish your lawn

Give your lawn a pick-me-up and prepare it for winter by feeding it with Aftercut All-in-One Autumn. This will help your lawn recover from the summer stress and replace the nutrients removed by mowing.

It’s also the best time to overseed, as the warm soil temperatures create ideal conditions for germination!

… to get pruning

Prune your shrubs and trees now to avoid them losing shape when the winter gales and heavy frosts set in.

Not only will they come back stronger next year but will allow you to remove any damage or disease before it spreads to the rest of your garden.

… to tidy your border

Autumn provides an ideal opportunity to give your bordersa good tidy. Remember to dig up annualsremove weeds and plant autumn bedding such as Pansies and Wallflowers.

It always helps to spread compost or well-rotted manure over the soil to insulate plant roots.

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