Seedlings are tiny and delicate and therefore need a light compost so they can push through as they emerge from their seed says Marc, our plant buyer. Stay away from anything too heavy as this will smother the seedlings before they’ve had chance to surface resulting in poor germination rates and unhealthy plants.
Growing from seed is both the cheapest and most rewarding way to grow your own – all it takes is a little patience. And, with prices constantly on the rise, there’s no better time to give it a grow!
Whether sowing into seed trays and propagators, or directly into the ground, have a go yourself this year and see what you can achieve – you might surprise yourself!

1. Choose a container
You can sow seeds in a seed tray bought in store or alternatively, you can make do with a biscuit tin, an old flower pot, empty food container or something similar. Just be sure they have adequate drainage holes!

2. Fill with quality compost
Sow seeds in sterile, seed-starting mix or potting compost – we’d recommend John Innes Seed Sowing Compost. It’s important to keep soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering. An easy way to avoid overwatering is to bottom water your seedlings by dipping the base of your containers in water and allowing the soil to absorb exactly what it needs.

3. Sprinkle your seeds
Sprinkle small seeds over the compost from the palm of your hand using your finger but be careful not to cover small seeds with soil, as it can smother them. Larger seeds can be placed one by one into the compost. Precise tips for planting can be found on the seed packet!

4. Cover your pots
Cover your pots with a clear polythene bag or plastic wrap to help maintain an even temperature for germination and then place your pots on a well-lit windowsill or in a heated propagator.

5. Give your seeds lots of light
Seedlings need a lot of light. If you’re growing on a window, choose a south-facing window and be sure to rotate the pots regularly to keep plants from getting too leggy.

6. Feed your seeds
Start feeding your seedlings after they develop their second set of true leaves, applying a half-strength liquid fertilizer weekly.

7. Transfer your seedlings
Once seedlings have grown a few pairs of “true leaves” and are big enough to handle without damage, they can be transferred into individual pots or trays.

8. Harden off and plant out
Once your plants have reached the stage where their roots are starting to emerge from the bottom of the pot, they can be planted out to their final location.